Great Life Max


Great Life Max! Live Your Life To The fullest!

What is MaxWLX Anyway?

For many of us, extra weight settles around our middle area giving us a “beer belly” or unwanted “love handles.” We may look perfectly normal except for our tummy, which gives us an “apple” shape.

Not only is this enlarged belly unattractive, it’s unhealthy as well. The Mayo Clinic reported that gaining weight in the abdomen increases the risk of:

Heart Disease Breast Cancer Diabetes Metabolic Syndrome Gallbladder Problems High Blood Pressure Clolrectal Cancer (1)
As if that weren’t enough, a March 2008 study [2] published in the medical journal Neurology, found that those who were obese and had high amounts of abdominal fat were 3.6 times as likely to develop Alzheimers disease. Even those who were at a normal weight but had high amounts of belly fat were nearly twice as likely to develop dementia as those of normal weight but little abdominal fat.

MaxWLX™ to the Rescue!

Not only does Max International’s new weight loss product help you lose weight, but it has been shown in a clinical study to zap belly fat!

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study [3] conducted at the University of Connecticut, the natural polysaccharide and fatty acid formula of MaxWLX had many significant advantages over the control group.

Here’s the happy statistic: The MaxWLX group lost 90 percent more weight than the diet and exercise alone group. But an even more stunning statistic was that the MaxWLX group had a 62 percent greater loss in waist measurement than the control group. Talk about a belly buster!

William J. Kraemer, PhD, conducted the studies on MaxWLX at the University of Connecticut. The results of the study overcame his natural skepticism for yet another weight loss product. “We were very excited about the results on this study. I think the most profound findings were:

(1) that you saw a significant loss of body fat,

(2) the body weight went down, and

(3) it went down in the torso area, which is really a problem in many health related issues and pathologies.”

Think about how marvelous this really is!

What Is Leptin...?

And Why Am I Still Fat?

Max International Presents:


The All-Natural,
Weight-Loss Accelerator!

Max International is pleased to assist you in your quest for a vibrant, healthy new you. MaxWLX is the breakthrough product you've been waiting for to help you lose weight and achieve a healthier lifestyle.

You know that eating right, finding your exercise groove and the boost you will receive from MaxWLX will help unveil the real you!

Until now, most people couldn't lose weight and keep it off.
Here's how MaxWLX works.

In 1994, scientists discovered communication between fat cells and your brain. A messaging hormone called leptin that is manufactured by every cell in your body tells your brain when you've had enough to eat. It also serves as a sort of "on-off switch" for fat cells--a switch that determines whether cells will store fat...or burn fat.

Dr. Rosedale is an internationally renowned expert in nutritional and metabolic medicine and is a specialist in the biology of aging. As a keynote speaker, he has appeared before such prestigious groups as the Eighth International Congressional Conference on Molecular Medicine in Río de Janeiro, the First European Conference on Longevity Medicine and Quality of Life in Brussels, Belgium, and many more.  In addition to his internationally popular book "The Rosedale Diet", Dr. Rosedale has also been the focus of many interviews by radio and television shows. What Is Leptin? (High Tech)

Leptin, which is produced by fat cells, sends THE MESSAGE to the brain, telling it whether enough fat is stored in the body and if it's time to stop eating . Adiponectin similarly sends a message that impact satiety as well as the retention of lean muscle mass. As the human body has evolved though, these hormones have stopped working properly. For most people, this manifests itself in Leptin, et al sending a continuous, yet erroneous message to the brain indicating, “you're hungry, keep eating, and store more fat.” It is this dysfunctional and perilous message that results in the body hoarding away even more fat than is necessary. Simply put, the failure of Leptin and its message is “… sabotaging people 's best efforts ” at weight loss.

What Is Leptin? (Low Tech)

In very simple terms, the higher the leptin levels the greater the storage of fat and the lower the Adiponectin levels the lower the amount of lean muscle. Correspondingly, if Leptin levels can be lowered and Adiponectin levels increased , then the body is signaled to release stored and dietary fat for other purposes -- most predominately as energy – and to hold on to, and some cases even build, muscle.

But for this switch to work, your brain has to clearly hear leptin's message. When your body is sensitive and listens to the leptin message, it is easily satisfied with food. But this message can be drowned out as a result of overeating.

Fat cell's keep churning out more and more leptin trying to make "The Message" heard. But the brain and other body tissues only respond when leptin levels are low...for now "The Message" is ignored.

This is called leptin resistance and it is a MAJOR factor in weight gain.

Here is how MaxWLX will help you succeed! Information For Health Professionals
University of Connecticut MaxWLX Summary University of Minnesota Patent Suggested Use/Supplement Facts University of Connecticut Clinical Study MaxWLX lowers leptin levels so the fullness message can get through again and your body gets "The Message" to burn fat.

The natural polysaccharides and fatty acids found in MaxWLX were tested in an 8-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study at the University Of Connecticut. In this study, leptin levels in the MaxWLX group dropped 22.35% more than the diet and exercise only control group did.

And this leptin drop lead to even more stunning results!

Participants at the University of Connecticut Clinical Trial: Lost 21.5 pounds of body fat in 8 weeks Lost 3.96 inches off their waist Lost 3.28 inches off their hips Lost 1.2 inches off each thigh Had a 90 percent greater fat loss than the diet and exercise alone group! MaxWLX: the science-based, patented weight loss supplement that successfully targets body fat! Clinical results show an average fat loss of 21.5 pounds in just 8 weeks!

(Clinical trials conducted by the University of Connecticut, Human Performance Laboratory)

MaxWLX helps your body utilize the body's natural leptin mechanism for a weight loss you can achieve and maintain.
